
Weapons Charge

Missouri’s laws involving guns and other weapons are complicated. Over the last few years there have been numerous changes by the legislature and even a state constitutional amendment that have changed weapons charge laws in Missouri. It can be difficult for a person to keep up with these changes, so you need a lawyer who has his or her pulse on the latest developments in gun laws to help you navigate this difficult process.Consult with a gun lawyer who knows the shifting regulations around a weapons charge in St. Louis.

You may know that the State of Missouri allows citizens to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm. However, you may not know this permit is not available to everyone. And, simply being in possession of a gun can be enough to result in a serious weapons charge. But, there also are situations where you can carry a gun without a permit – even if it is concealed. You need a lawyer who knows the ins and outs of Missouri firearms laws to evaluate your individual situation and provide the best approach for your case.

The weapons charge law in Missouri is even more complicated regarding someone with a prior conviction and their right to possess a gun. Factors like the way the prior plea or judgment was entered and how long ago the case occurred can impact whether or not a person who has a prior felony case can be charged with a crime for being in possession of a weapon. Do not rely on the government to protect your rights. Consult with a gun lawyer who knows the shifting regulations around firearms in St. Louis.

Martin Minnigerode spent 15 years as a prosecuting attorney. He worked for years as part of the office’s specialized “Gun Violence Unit” and has managed thousands of cases involving firearms. He understands how weapons charge cases are built against you by the government, including carrying concealed weapons and violent crimes like murder and armed robbery. He understands the science of firearms and how the police laboratory can run tests for fingerprints, DNA and ballistic comparisons to find evidence to use against you. You need a gun lawyer who understands what you are up against and will fight for your rights. If you’ve been charged with a crime involving a weapon, call The Law Office of Martin Minnigerode, LLC today at 314-266-4686.

A weapons charge in Missouri, could include:

  • Unlawful possession of a firearm (also known as “felon in possession of a firearm”)
  • Carrying a concealed weapon
  • Unlawful use of a weapon
  • Possession of a firearm while intoxicated
  • Possession of a firearm while in possession of a controlled substance
  • Flourishing or exhibiting a weapon
  • Shooting at or from a motor vehicle
  • Shooting into a home or building
  • Possession of a defaced firearm

For more information, you also can visit the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Concealed Weapons Law brochure.