
Violated Probation

There are numerous ways that probation can be violated, including missing a meeting with your probation officer, failing a drug test and being arrested on another case. And, if you are facing a probation violation or revocation hearing, you are probably wondering if you should get a probation attorney for your hearing. No matter how you violated probation, you have the right to make your case as to why your probation should not be revoked.No matter how you violated probation, you have the right to make your case as to why your probation should not be revoked.

Ultimately, it is a judge who will make the final decision as to whether you violated probation. But, having an experienced probation attorney fight for you and present your side of the situation is important in helping you obtain the best results possible. Don’t just appear in court on your own and hope for the best if you’ve been accused of having violated probation. You should hire an experienced probation attorney to assist you. Depending on the type of sentence you received, the violation you are accused of and your personal circumstances, there may be alternatives to revoking probation to present to the judge.

Martin Minnigerode has managed hearings for 15 years involving people who have violated probation. He has appeared hundreds of times before judges in the State of Missouri in revocation hearings. He understands how the process works and what you can do to increase your chances of getting a favorable result. He will present your best case for remaining on probation and help guide you through the complexities of your hearing. When your freedom is as stake, you need an advocate for your rights. If you or a loved one is facing probation revocation or been accused of having violated probation, call The Law Office of Martin Minnigerode, LLC today at 314-266-4686.

For more information, you also can visit the Missouri Department of Correction’s Rules and Regulations Governing the Conditions of Probation, Parole and Conditional Release handbook.