
St. Louis Traffic Ticket

Nobody wants to get pulled over and be given a traffic ticket. But, if you do, there are steps you can take to help minimize the damage that ticket can do to your record. Calling a St. Louis traffic lawyer will allow you to understand your options and get the advice you need.

Hiring a St. Louis traffic lawyer to help negotiate your St. Louis traffic ticket down to a lesser charge can keep points off your license and maintain your freedom to drive.

If you get a St. Louis traffic ticket on your record, the State may add points against your license. This can lead to increased car insurance costs and the potential loss of your license and driving privileges. Also, if you fail to appear for a ticket issued or fail to pay a fine, your license can automatically be suspended or taken away.

Hiring a St. Louis traffic lawyer to help negotiate your St. Louis traffic ticket down to a lesser charge can keep points off your license and maintain your freedom to drive. Contact a St. Louis Traffic Lawyer at The Law Office of Martin Minnigerode, LLC today for St. Louis traffic ticket help at 314-266-4686.

St. Louis traffic ticket charges can include:

  • Speeding
  • Driving while your license is suspended or revoked
  • Careless and Imprudent Driving (sometimes referred to as “C&I”)
  • Driving without proof of insurance
  • Driving with expired license plates or other mechanical defects
  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • Failure to appear in court on a traffic ticket or summons. (Commonly referred to as Bench Warrants)

Overview of traffic ticket points consequences in Missouri:

If you accumulate a total of eight or more points in 18 months, the Missouri Department of Revenue will take away your driving privilege.

  • 1st suspension – 30 days
  • 2nd suspension – 60 days
  • 3rd or more suspensions – 90 days

The Missouri Department of Revenue will take away your driving privilege for one year if you accumulate:

  • 12 or more points in 12 months
  • 18 or more points in 24 months
  • 24 or more points in 36 months

For more information, visit the Missouri Department of Revenue’s tickets and points page.