
Serious Personal Injury

If you or someone you love have suffered a serious personal injury by the negligence of another, you need someone on your side fighting for you every step of the way. Serious personal injury can result in unpaid medical bills and lost wages, as well as your own personal pain and suffering. Suddenly, though no fault of your own, you can find yourself with lasting serious personal injury and mounting debts. Car accidents, workplace injury, or getting hurt from a defective product can all leave you suffering and in need of an experienced lawyer.

Serious personal injury can result in unpaid medical bills and lost wages, as well as your own personal pain and suffering.

Insurance companies will try and settle your case for far less than you deserve and are entitled to. Remember, they are concerned with their bottom line, not your well-being. You need someone looking out for you and your family every step of the way.

A skilled St. Louis personal injury lawyer can help you maximize your recovery and help you get what you need to support your health. Don’t wait until the insurance company comes to you. You need to act within a certain amount of time or you lose your opportunity to make a claim for compensation. Call an experienced St. Louis personal injury lawyer today.

Martin Minnigerode previously worked at one of the largest law firms in St. Louis and has defended hundreds of cases involving people who were injured at work. He is now putting that experience to work for you. Contact The Law Office of Martin Minnigerode at 314-266-4686 to schedule a free evaluation of your case.

Serious personal injury, can include:

  • A car accident
  • The negligence of another person or company
  • A fall resulting in a serious personal injury
  • Wrongful death
  • Other injury caused by another

For more information, you also can visit the American Bar Association’s personal injury education page.