
Burglary Theft Crimes

Burglary or theft crimes involving the taking of property or services from someone are serious charges. If you are charged with a burglary theft crime you need a lawyer who knows the criminal justice system and how to protect your rights. Martin Minnigerode was the leader of the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office’s Property Crimes Unit for more than seven years. During this time he evaluated thousands of property and burglary theft crimes looking for defenses and problems with the evidence. This experience allows him to understand the case that is being built against you, and how to prepare your best defense.

Burglary theft crimes involving the taking of property or services from someone are serious charges.

There are numerous ways prosecutors can proceed against people who are charged with burglary or theft crimes in Missouri. The way charges read in Missouri can be confusing. People often say they were “robbed” when talking about their home being broken into. However, in Missouri, this is called “burglary.”  People say they were “joyriding.” In Missouri this is considered “tampering with a motor vehicle.” People think they are victims of a “carjacking,” but it is called a “robbery in the first degree” in Missouri. Martin Minnigerode can help you understand the legal issues you are facing and can help you make sense of the complex issues.

If you or a loved one has been charged with burglary theft or other property related crime call St. Louis theft lawyer Martin Minnigerode at 314-266-4686.

Burglary theft crimes in St. Louis can include:

  • Robbery in the first degree
  • Robbery in the second degree
  • Burglary in the first degree
  • Burglary in the second degree
  • Tampering in the first degree
  • Stealing of a motor vehicle
  • Stealing felony
  • Stealing misdemeanor
  • Stealing of a firearm
  • Forgery
  • Property damage in the first degree
  • Property damage in the second degree